من نحن

نحن نعمل في مجال الخدمات ، بدأنا عملنا كمكتب خدمات استقدام ثم توسعنا لإنشاء قطاع سفر وسياحة خاص بنا، وحاليا نقدم جميع خدمات السفر والسياحة وكذلك نعتبر وكيل رئيسي لتقديم خدمات العمرة

Our belief

All of our consultants share the same drive to help future leaders and Companies to grow and learn from past challenges. We believe that your success is our success.

Limya Saleh
Recruitment Officer

Faisal Mukhtar
Public Relations Officer

Nashwa Karamalah
Executive Manager

Dr.Mohamed Elhassan

Our team

Mr.Omar Osman

Travel Agency Supervisor

Mr. Alla ALDeen Ishag

Legal Affairs

Abd AlRahman Hassan

Ticketing Officer

We’re at your service.

group of people on mecca
group of people on mecca
Business hours

Sunday— Thursday
8am — 5pm

8am — 1pm


Sajed Tower - 15 street
Al Amarat , Khartoum.

